A Day for Love: Valentine’s Day


Get ready to pucker up, everyone, because Valentine’s Day is looming. Of course, this is something you have probably noticed as you made your way into your local Walgreens or CVS; the stacks of chocolates and abundance of plush bears. Yes, the season for cuddly toys and delicious truffles, yum! But let’s save the last-minute chocolate buying for another day, and focus on something more romantic. We’ve only just entered February, so if you still haven’t figured out your plans for such a romantic day, do not fret, this is what this blog is for.

Romance shouldn’t just be thought of for one day of the year. No, no, no, a little bit of romance can be sprinkled over anything. Your partner coming home late? Set up a trail of Post-It notes throughout the house, and create a charming maze with a surprise of your choosing at the end. You never know what a turkey sandwich filled with some of your partner’s favorite chips can say after a busy day.

But Valentine’s Day requires a tiny bit more than just a trail of Post-It notes and a sandwich.

1. Beach
While it is still chilly out, a walk on the beach and watching the sunset is always something to behold. Just make sure to bundle up warm and keep your eyes to the horizon. And when the sun does get folded over by the waves, look to the sky and take in the pink and purple hues of the sky. It’s magic.


2. Dinner
Now, we would have suggested a beautiful dinner on the beach, but considering it is still winter, we wouldn’t want anyone to get sick. But how about a romantic dinner at home, maybe by candlelight? Christmas has come and gone, but there will always come a time where twinkling lights come in handy.


3. Flowers
Nothing says “Happy Valentine’s Day” and romance like red roses, but there are hundreds of other beautiful flowers that can be used for such an occasion. Whether it’s a single flower or a whole bouquet, flowers are a beautiful sentiment to give to your significant other. That or, add them to the table as a delicate decoration, or pull a Kanye and have a flower wall delivered. It’s really up to you, so have fun!


4. The Gift
Seeing as how Christmas was just a few months ago, we understand that gift-giving can seem slightly redundant, so consider putting together a DIY gift. A mixtape (CD?), maybe? Something that really maps your relationship and time together, that only you could give to each other.


When in doubt, New York is always a good idea, or maybe, Paris? Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year, what a better way to spend time with one another than by going on a trip together. A drive down the coast, a flight to a beautiful city. Flying through the clouds and seeing the city lights approach from up above is a feeling like no other.





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